Reimagine Death: A Night of Art, Songs, and Spoken Word [2018.10.30]

Icons in Ash, Reimagine Death: A Night of Art, Songs, and Spoken Word about dying, death, grieving, consoling and remembering. Inspired by Heide Hatry’s Icons in Ash memorial portraits made of cremated remains.
Hatry wants to reintegrate life and death: to touch death, work with death, to let it speak in its mundanity, its grandeur, its familiarity and its mystery, its uniqueness and its universality, to redeem it from oblivion, to give it its own life again.
l’Artiste ordinaire will perform I should, a new work that reimagines text by Emily Dickinson.
The Red Room at KGB
85 East 4th Street
New York, NY 10003
No cover, two drink minimum.
[image by Heide Hatry]