Concert no.1 – Another Dimension

Friday, January 29, 2016
8:00pm (doors open @ 7:30)
@ NOMADLOFT – by invitation only
Another Dimension
David Morneau [Nintendo Gameboy]
Another Dimension is a sonification of a simple idea: take something that exists and expand it in an unexpected direction to see what happens.
Another Dimension is a bustling meditation.
Another Dimension is a new book on a favorite subject.
Another Dimension is a new rendition of a classic song.
Another Dimension is a novel preparation of a familiar food.
Another Dimension is a new phase of life, an expanded friendship, a new responsibility, an evolution of thought, idea, belief.
Another Dimension is added director’s commentary.
Another Dimension is the first day of school, the first night away, the first morning home.
Another Dimension is growth, change, transformation, moving forward, reaching higher, exploring, expanding, discovering, learning.
Another Dimension is seeing through reality to find new possibilities.
Another Dimension expands behind the doorway of opportunities. It waits for us to find it. It rewards those who look for it, take risks for it. Another Dimension waits for us to grow into it. It moves away from us, showing us that it is not unique, it is not singular. Every time we step, or slip, or slide, or stumble, or stride, or saunter, or stroll, or struggle into Another Dimension we soon see that there is more—there is still yet Another Dimension.
Imagine that you are standing on a street corner, feeling the world surge around you. People are moving by, bumping and jostling, as they hurry home, or to work, or to the store, or to meet a friend, or to nowhere in particular. You can hear their footsteps and their conversations; you can feel their purpose and their exasperation. Beyond them the traffic flows—carriages of metal and plastic—moving toward many of the same places as the crowd walking by. They fill the air with the noise and odor of internal combustion and punctuate it with impatient horn blasts. Beneath you, beneath the vibrations of people and cars, the world itself—the very foundation of your existence—moves and turns as it races through the void, spinning away from the place of its birth.
Imagine turning your mind inward, feeling the world course around you. You do not push it away; you let it wash by you, over you, through you. It will not sweep you away. It will not uproot you from your foundation. Outside you is noise, inside is peace. Turning inward, you step confidently into Another Dimension.
more about David Morneau

Soft Series is a concert series dedicated to presenting soft premieres of new music in an intimate environment with lively pre- and post-concert conversation.
Performance video: