Dan Rose

Dan Rose is a leading theoretical artist working back and forth across two dimensional images and the way they are transformed by various techniques into three dimensions. Trained as an anthropologist, Rose wrote Black American Street Life about living on the streets of Philadelphia the year after Martin Luther King was murdered. His artistic production began by making a hundred one-of-a-kind artist books and covers many of which have been distributed by the Serpentine Gallery and the London ICA in the UK and by Printed Matter and other venues in the U.S.
His artist book, The DNA-Photon Project included 25 actual machines and thus became a three dimensional novel. A collaborator, Melissa Grey, composed music based on the book and wrote and performed a radio play that aired in New York City and London. With Rachel Cheetham-Richard he formed the Steamroller Laboratories devoted to visual experimentation; and the results of their collaboration has been shown in Philadelphia galleries. They have also founded an artist circle called the OuDiPo, translated from the French as, the sewing circle of potential images.
Dan Rose is a Professor Emeritus of Landscape Architecture at the University of Pennsylvania from which he also received an honorary Master of Arts degree.