The Candidate Journal Issue Release Party, Issue 8: Screens [2019.04.27]

l’Artiste ordinaire will perform Kepler-37 with Julie Fotheringham.
The Candidate Journal invites you to join us for an evening of art and surprises in celebration of our long-anticipated release of Issue 8: Screens!
Video Art by Kyle Corea and Patrick Scanlon, Joanna Fuhrman, Lauren Comito, and Carl Jacobs
Poetry and Prose by Mirene Arsanios, Bethany Ides, Thomas Fink, and Joanna Fuhrman
Visual Art by Erica Roe, Sophie Morandi, Lauren Comito, Zach Seeger, Evan Reehl Ryer, Davian Flores, and Robert Buck
Dance by Julie Fotheringham, Jennifer Sydor, and Vanessa Walters
A Magical Roaming Clown
Live Music
More artists to be announced
All proceeds go to cover the expenses of The Candidate Journal.
Bring your pocket-screen (smartphone) fully charged. Invite your friends and we’ll see you there!
Saturday, April 27, 2019
7:00 PM
Taaffe Gallery
50 Taaffe Pl
Brooklyn, NY 11205